Tuesday, July 21

Cara Skye

Cara Skye, to me, is super adorable. I think her beauty is legitimate, as the few photos I came across that were candid she looked just as pretty, almost as though it was still professional photography. Also, while she has a very typical Vietnamese face, she is actually not Vietnamese.

Age: 27
Height: 5'2
Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Filipino
Located: Denver, Colorado


1 comment:

  1. You're so bloody adorable. But, alas, that's exactly what the Devil looks for: the ability to smoothly seduce. Ponder this, girl: all of U.S. will croak at some point in our lifelong demise: our soul wants to be loved, nourished, enveloped, return-to-her-maker-thing. Does Jesus have a sign on the Gates of Heaven saying, 'Those who don't believe, c'mon in. Guess I wasn’t as forthright as Marvel Comix' ...?? I’m a small 'peAce-de-resistance' of a Larger Picture: what a wonderFULL opportunity we would have for endless volumes of procrastination. Won’t you join us for the Renaissance in Heaven? It’ll be the Maximum Ride. God bless you with discernment
